Thursday, May 17, 2012

Boarders' Walk

Blue skies and green fields! It must be time for the Boarders' summer time walk. Mr Somerville once more guided us through some fantastic English countryside, taking an 8 mile route over hill and dale. As you can see there were lots of smiling faces which must mean that we have a lot of physically fit and healthy children!

There are lots of great photos below to have a look at and they really do show the togetherness that the children develop during their time in the All Hallows Boarding Community.

Walk to the Lambs and Brean Sands Beach

Well the sun actually managed to put his hat on last weekend! As you can see from the pictures the boarders made the most of it!

Just up the road from school the Heaths have had some Lambs and so our Junior Boarders took a walk up there on Saturday moring to say hello and have a cuddle!

On Sunday we travelled to Brean and had a great afternoon on the beach. Football, rounders and plenty of ice creams were the order of the day! Lots of fantastic pictures courtesy of Miss Mewburn and Miss Morrisby.